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What image speaks to you?

I'm back! Blessings this new year to everyone! I was remiss in writing my mid monthly blog in December! Now that I am back on track, I would love to introduce Spiritual Collage to you!

In acquiring my teaching certification, I was so blessed to learn and apply the elements of art! From watercolor, still life drawing, clay, crayon and collage. These I manifested in my own K classroom. The children and I delighted in gracing the walls with their art!

In graduate school, I was again introduced to collage with a spiritual platform. Another student generously gave her time and talent to set up a workshop! Each of us assembled our own collages and shared them with each other and our professor.

In a session with a directee, if comfortable, I set up a table with images, collage cards, sleeves, glue sticks and quiet music. This has fostered contemplative time, discernment and a visual tool. After the collage is complete, the directee may share their images and why. I also encourage placing the collage in a place for reflection in their home or sacred space.

If you are interested in collage, pick up the book by Seena Frost: SoulCollage: An Intuitive Collage Process for Individuals and Groups. Further, you can also order a collage kit online. You will receive images, cards, sleeves, etc., and this book! Important note: These collages are only for personal use. Due to copyright, they may not be sold.

Continued blessings to you!

In Christ,


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