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Seeking Holiness in the River of Life


Why Touchstones?

During my practicum in Graduate school, through verbatims, cohort discussions, and my professor’s direction, I uncovered the beauty of spiritual direction.

In doing so, the name Touchstones; Seeking Holiness in the River of Life surfaced. I shared with my class the catalyst for choosing this name; Life is a river with debris, silt, river rocks and changing seasons. Yet, within this moving river of life, are touchstones; rocks appearing as holy affirmations. Some, polished by the river, others, rough. Each in its own way special, for they are guides and stepping stones in our spiritual journey.


As I listen to the river and rhythm of your life, together we can navigate your path. 

What is Spiritual Direction?

Imagine sharing your life's journey with a trusted companion in a sacred space. This space is illuminated by a candle inviting the Holy Spirit to be present in our dialogue. As your spiritual director, I listen for nudges, revelations, patterns and other spiritual affirmations in your life's journey.


The spiritual journey is one of twists, turns, road blocks, successes, failures, highs, lows, deserts, peaks and valleys. It is also seasonal with growth spurts and no growth. Through it all, there are many questions, revelations, expectations, etc. Hence, a spiritual director can guide, sort, listen, empathize through the Holy Spirit. Keeping your 'Spiritual Pulse' in check through accountability, showing up!


Here you will find honesty, integrity, creativity, positivity, holy listening, reflection, book recommendations, spiritual collage, assess to beach walks, a labyrinth, sacred spaces....


What people are saying...

“Spiritual direction has helped me to see how God is guiding me through the next chapter in my life. It has led me to a deeper understanding of God and the path He is leading me on. Kitt has helped very much in facilitating this.”  K


“My journey with Kitt began on August 28th, 2014. A new empty-nester, retirement in the future, and no active ministry in my parish, I felt I needed direction. The first session Kitt explained to that I was in the wilderness waiting for my next call

from the Lord. She recommended helpful books to prepare me for my life’s transitions. Kitt is an awesome encouraging companion. Her warmth fills the room, always happy and full of His love. As a spiritual director, she has that unique listening

skill to help me express where our Lord has led me in between session. I trust her, and look forward to our sessions.” G


“Spiritual direction helps me to evaluate where I am now, spiritually speaking, and anticipate what God might have for me in the future. It is also a caring, non-judgmental environment which I can explore ideas and ask questions.” W

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