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STARS UPON THARS: The Sneeches and other stories...

Welcome! I haven't written in so long! I have to be honest though, I have succumbed to "Writer's block!" In tandem, I have also fell short in addressing my "Spiritual Memoir," which I began last year!

With this being said, please bear with me as I attempt to begin again and address in this blog the liturgical season of Lent. As Christians, Lent is the 40 day period leading up to Easter. A time of meditation, fasting, prayer, in parallel to the walk of our savior, Jesus Christ.

I attended Ash Wednesday Mass. I was delighted to receive the Sign of the Cross in ashes on my forehead. "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return." This is said as the Priest or Eucharistic Minister applies the ashes. Walking back to my pew, I felt gratitude, always in thanking my parents for the gift of faith. By their example and those of my extended family.

That afternoon, I drove up to a yarn shop in Poulsbo. My latest "go to" in finding yarn for two new projects, as well as needed instruction from their friendly staff and owner. My ash cross

still on my forehead, I sat with the owner, talking about faith and knitting! Before I left, I said, "Now we need to walk the walk, and talk the talk!" Specifically during this Lenten season.

Which brings attention to my blog title! Reference point: Did you know Dr. Suess wrote the

" Sneeches" in 1961 to teach children about discrimination! I was eight! " He wrote the book to address how different groups of people didn't like each other during World War II. A number of the Suess books address the subject of diversity and teach children to be fair and treat people equally." (

Fast forward to 2024. As a former K teacher and mom of four, I loved reading Dr. Suess books! Particularly, Stars upon Thars. "Suess helps children see the silliness of judging people by their appearance rather than their character." (

Isn't this what God does? Observes our character? Whether we made it to Ash Wednesday Mass or not, we can uphold our Christian character during this season. Just like in the book, all the sneetches became mixed up, however, it was their character, not appearance that was noticed. Thank you for reading...

Lenten blessings,

In Christ,


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