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Ready, Set, Write!

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

Welcome to my blog! hope you have enjoyed my former posts, and will in turn enjoy this one!

I am a writer:) I so enjoy reading, journaling and even partook in a memoir writing class years ago before I began my graduate studies. In fact, the first chapter of my memoir fit in perfectly as I composed an essay required to attend SU. God does work in amazing ways!

My daughter Haley and I started a catchy book about our family lab Leo! It's still on hold, however, we hope to finish it.

Which comes to my latest and very exciting news! I have signed up through Zoom: Writing as a Spiritual Practice one day workshop! Cristine Valters Paintner; the facilitator. She is a

Benedictine oblate, author and pilgrim, residing in Galway, Ireland. In my Stepping Stones book gathering, we have read her book of poems: Dreaming Of Stones.

I signed up through the Priory Spirituality Center: If you are interested, please check it out. Just scroll down to Programs. You will find several workshops in various spiritual genres. Until next time, please stay safe and healthy.

In Christ,


Enjoy this poem from Dreaming of Stones:




in is a miracle,

this breathing out, release,

this breathing in a welcome to

the unseen gifts which sustain me each

moment, this breathing out a sweet sigh,

a bow to my mortality, this breathing in

a holy yes to life, this breathing out

a sacred no to all that causes

me to clench and grasp,

this breathing in is a

revelation, this

breathing out,


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