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Praying the Rosary...

Welcome readers! Thank you for joining me! In my IG posts, I often mention serendipity, and feel if you are open on your journey, they will happen; a phone call out of the blue, a smile, crossing paths with a friend you have been thinking about, a blessing, etc...

Recently, my rosary and accompanying booklet found me. In my Catholic faith, I am aware of the Holy Mary prayer and the significance of Mother Mary. However, other than Adoration at church, I haven't added praying the rosary to my spiritual afternoon respite. Until now...

Getting started...I'm using a rosary made in Ireland, although I have several, among my favorites, one made of rosewood from Rome, from Becky! It smells heavenly, and was such a thoughtful gift...blessed by the Pope. As in all prayer times, find a sacred space or quiet spot. Also, its nice to choose the same time everyday. A routine, to show up!

Before beginning, I try to set my intentions, for specific requests. Perhaps a healing, an intervention or special blessing. Mother Mary hears all prayers.

Praying the rosary consists of the same prayers in unison. Beginning with the Sign of the Cross, Apostle's Creed and Our Father. Then the Hail Mary's begin, interspersed with the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries or the Glorious Mysteries and the Glory Be to the Father. After the rosary, Hail, Holy Queen may be recited...

I encourage having a booklet or prompt to follow at the beginning. I can't remember where mine came from, although your local church might be a good resource. One more thing...

How does praying the rosary affect your spiritual life?

"It raises our minds and souls to the fundamental truths of our religion; it restores our life to its proper direction, to the things that are above, and it pays loving respect and veneration to our Blessed Mother. Many times when she has appeared on earth--Lourdes and Fatima

-- she has asked us to pray the Rosary."

If you are called or prompted, please add this to your spiritual time...

In Christ,


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