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My favorite season...

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

Welcome to my blog! Just can't believe October is here. It's my favorite season as I love reading, knitting, cozy fires and observing fall colors. Here in the Pacific Northwest our weather patterns ensure my Stepping Stones Book gathering and Prayer Shawl Knitting

Circle will enjoy our time together.

I thought I would enclose some of the books I have enjoyed this quarantine. The Library Book by Susan Orlean. " A dazzling love letter to a beloved institution--- and an investigation into one of it's greatest mysteries..." The Washington Post

Getting Your life Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad by John Eldredge. " By practicing a few wonderfully simple practices or what John calls "graces", you can begin to recover your soul. "

Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America by Brenda D. Jones and John Lewis. This one I am currently reading and enjoying.

To date we have collectively knit over 40 prayer shawls. These mantels of love and care are tangible, a warm reminder or remembrance of a loved one, a celebration, a journey into chemotherapy or a housewarming gift. I have also knit in this quarantine a baby hoodie, blanket and a log cabin scrap blanket.

Among my walking to enjoy the beautiful fall colors, I love Battle Point Park, Manitou Beach,

Fay Bainbridge State Park, Bloedel Reserve and our neighborhood with its sound view, goats, lambs and burros.

All for now! Stay safe and healthy. Please check out these ministries, as well as spiritual direction in my website. If you feel called to join, leave your contact info, and I will be happy to follow up your request.

In Christ,


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