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Let every heart prepare him room...Luke 2:1-7

Blessings this Advent! I'm going to insert this blog and follow up next time with spiritual collages.

Christmases' from my childhood always bring to mind family, stockings, plentiful food, window panes sprayed with snow and a tree adorned with tinsel, surrounded by gifts.

And waiting....

Now as an adult, whose spirituality has matured through life, struggles, loss, ups and downs, the season of Advent is a beautiful time of respite. I appreciate this season so much more.

I try each afternoon to set aside a couple of hours to reflect, read, journal, knit, or nap! I light candles, get comfortable and let the Spirit settle in my mind and body. I crave this time, and so appreciate its blessings. Of late, I have been reading a beloved Advent book: Exploring Advent with Luke: Four Questions for Spiritual Growth. The author is Timothy Clayton. It guides readers to rediscover the power of the events leading up to the birth of Christ. As a reader and learner, I welcome opportunities for spiritual growth.

If your spiritual walk loves the outdoors, you might take this time to pray and reflect as you observe God"s handiwork. Nature is very welcoming with its sights and sounds. There is no set way to observe Advent.

Further, your creativity might come alive in this season. Perhaps creating a vision board or spiritual collage suits you! Play some music and gently reflect on the season as you choose

images, words, etc. When completed, place the board or collage in a place where you can reflect on its beauty. (More specifics about this collage art next time.)

Advent blessings,


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