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Lent: Let's change it up!

Lenten blessings to my followers and welcome to my new pilgrims. As we welcome March and the season of Lent, I have decided to touch on familiar lenten traditions and introduce new ideas.

Traditionally, in my Catholic faith, we are called to walk for forty days as Jesus did. This time period calls us to fast, pray, visit the Stations of the Cross, reflect and renew.

In the past I have also read these two wonderful texts:

PRAYER: Our Deepest Longing, by Ronald Rolheiser

" Drawing from Scripture, ancient and modern writers, and experience, Rolheiser clears

common misconceptions about prayer and offers both consolation and challenge. In

thirty -three brief reflections, he will help you understand how to overcome struggles in prayer, develop a mature prayer habit, and explore new prayer practices."

The second: A Lenten Pilgrimage: Journeying with Jesus by J. Peter Sartain

" Lent reveals what's at stake.." states Archbishop Sartain. For many Catholics, what's at

stake might be what we " give up " for Lent. Most of us know there is more to it than

that, but we struggle to give the season its proper meaning.." Google Books

The former I read within a gathering of parishioners meeting weekly to discuss and reflect.

This year, I was drawn to a graduate colleague's post about this season. Edith states,

" Who are you being for Lent?" and " In whose company will you be for Lent?". Both

these questions introduced new horizons. Please take time this Lent to do or be

what your heart speaks to.

Prayerfully and with intention seek out practices honoring your journey.

In Christ,


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