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Lent: It's The Little Things...

Welcome followers and new subscribers! Thank you for your patience! The season of Lent is upon us! Already?

Of late, actually in the beginning of this year, I received several Holy Spirit nudges! They have all been amazing and kept my spiritual pulse in check!

Here are a few:

* A nudge to reach out to a friend. Her dear mom had just left this earth for her eternal home

within three hours of my text! I was "called" to offer love and sympathy:)

* Near my 70th birthday receiving a nudge to celebrate by asking my Godson Tim to serenade me with a "Happy Birthday" song in the company of my "sisters". My brother Russ was also there! Such a beautiful evening and a dream come true.

* A nudge again yesterday in asking a neighbor/ friend for an impromptu walk. Sharing our

ideas for Lent and also a glove as it was so bitter cold out! Then a hot cup of lemon-ginger

tea. Hit the spot!

*Just this morning a nudge to text to a friend expecting a grandchild anytime! My text arrived, not knowing her first granddaughter was born today!

If we are open to His call and our hearts and hands are eager and ready, the Holy Spirit will direct our path! Especially if we heed these nudges! This journey is exciting and quite an adventure! Stay focused...

More about my Lenten journey! In the past, I've always thought it imperative to give up a special treat for Lent. Always Chocolate anything! I truly love it! Mochas, covered almonds, bars, ice cream, etc! Too late this year as I'd already succumbed! Alas, all is not lost! My iPhone's feed brought up a wonderful post from Pope Francis. Here is a glimpse:

Pope Francis' Advice for Lent

~ Fast from hurting words and say kind words.

~ Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.

~ Fast from anger and be filled with patience.

~ Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.

~ Fast from worries and trust in God.

There are actually 6 more in the same vein...

So these are my touchstones/guideposts this year! Walking the walk...

Blessings to you this Lenten season!

In Christ,


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