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Lead me Lord......

Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Welcome! Following up from my last blog, I wanted to share some thoughts..

I had previously felt my mind was in quarantine! However, since my last blog,

the interim has changed both my schedule and mindset!

I have scheduled sessions in spiritual direction and just recently met with my two book gatherings. My knitting circle is set for July as well. Of course, the latter gatherings are enforced with masks/social distancing.

My church is open with a 50% capacity, still adhering to our state's guidelines. Although I haven"t gone back yet, I keep my spiritual pulse in check with these practices; daily devotions, visiting spiritual texts, and prayer requests. Contemplative pastimes such as knitting and journaling. These daily spiritual practices keep me centered and calm.

Please visit my IG posts @ touchstones_ for daily inspiration. I love color, scripture, quotes, landscape, spiritual icons, psychology and book reviews, to name a few. Be well...

In Christ,


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