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Knit, purl, pray: Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle...

To all knitters; beginners or advanced! I have a new niche for you! We've all purchased lovely flowers and cards for those in times of loss, illness, celebrations, etc. We can all agree these are lovely gestures. How about knitting a prayer shawl that coveys the same

message? This tangible mantel of care lasts, and can create a warm fixture in your home. Drape it over a chair, place it around your shoulders while reading, meditating..

You might be thinking, " I don't know how to knit!" This is where my knitting circle comes in. We gather monthly, new knitters and experienced alike, for almost three years now! We're here to help!

How did this circle begin? In graduate school, I was asked to present a spiritual project. As a former K educator, I thought of all the Venn diagrams I charted when presenting a new topic. It always began with " what do you know?" Regarding this project knitting and scripture surfaced! Two of my very favorite pastimes! I visited our local yarn shop and purchased the book; Knitting into the Mystery: A Guide To The Shawl-Knitting Ministry, written by Susan S. Jorgensen and Susan S. Izard. This book the perfect catalyst for beginning a knitting circle. Patterns, prayers, yarn ideas, all included!

So it began...As a spiritual director, I was very blessed to know a kindred spirit, aka a pastor, who became a dear friend and my spiritual director. Lori listened to my journey, offering glimpses of the Holy and lifted me up! In kind, I loved knitting in her home for a women"s shelter and other charities. Lori sadly left us and in her wake I started this knitting circle. It has proven to be a soft place to fall for all my knitters! To date, we have knit over 30 prayer shawls. Each lovingly knit in the " Trinity" stitch. An appropriate prayer attached and then the shawl can be blessed.

Prayer Shawl yarn can be purchased at Churchmouse Yarns and Teas, here on Bainbridge Island. Also, the yarn shop in Poulsbo.

Please prayerfully consider joining us! We'd love to meet you!

In Christ,


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