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In the beginning...

Updated: May 22, 2021

Yes! I've moved! Today was the first day I actually set up house in my new space! It felt peaceful, calm and filled with the Spirit! Gratitude to those who helped me set it all up!

Today is also my first blog, in which I hope to write bi-monthly. Since my new website is organized by my three ministries, I thought I'd begin with the first: Spiritual Direction.

I'll call this Spiritual Direction 101.

Imagine sitting with a trusted friend, the room lit by a candle. The atmosphere peaceful, tranquil, calm. The dialogue is whatever speaks to your heart. As your spiritual director,

I am trained to listen for revelations, nudges, roadblocks, challenges, successes, on your individual journey.

To understand further, I'd like to explain what spiritual direction is not. I found the following from the Archdiocesan website. "It is not psychotherapy or counseling. It is not a dependent relationship in which the director holds all the wisdom and answers to your problems. Your director does not " tell you what to do," but rather helps you to discern what God may be calling you to be or to do. God is already at work in your life. You come to your session ready to be still, and together with your director in the presence of the Holy Spirit, to listen to the truths of your story as God reveals God's self through the everyday happenings of your life."

If this commitment to your spiritual journey is of interest to you, please submit your contact information on this website. I would love to meet with you! Our first "meet and greet" session is free! If you choose to meet further, my hourly fee is $60-75.00 per session.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Stay tuned.. Next time I will introduce SteppingStones: A Spiritual Book Gathering..

In Christ,


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