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Hello followers and new subscribers! Welcome! Today feels like a fall day, a good time to sit down and reflect on life, it's lessons and blessings!

First off, I am still continuing my three ministries, although there have been some changes!

Covid took a big bite out of my spiritual direction business, however, I still love guiding and

seeking directees'. My knitting circle is now on a one-on-one basis. Please reach out and join me for a knitting/spiritual session! I am currently knitting my 26th prayer shawl, with more waiting in the wings.

An anniversary this year of my book gathering; Stepping Stones! Celebrating 10 years of

reading and sharing spiritual texts, poetry, etc. Thank you to Elizabeth and our daughter Haley; the catalysts for this gathering! Please see my website for any info regarding these

three ministries:)

Which now brings me to the book: Falling Upward; A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, by Richard Rohr, and the title of this blog... Since December and continuing through May, three close family members have passed. It has been a journey through grief, grace and finally gratitude. In this wonderful book, "necessary suffering" has its place in our lives. It is what makes us human!

When we pass into the " second half ", we are blessed! We have acquired the wisdom and grace to assimilate and understand the years ahead. However, it also requires time, stages and knowledge.

I have attended two memorial services, with the third coming in winter. These have been fruitful, reflective and meaningful. I don't like to use the word "closure" as those that have gone before us will not be forgotten. There is nothing to close. Their presence is no longer with us, yet their spirit is. Our faith's promise of eternal life and reuniting gives us hope.

I am no longer afraid of tears. They have a place in our grieving and should be shared. Tears of sadness and happiness are both vitally important. I also love to memorialize the

passing of loved ones, friends, etc. Lighting a candle, flowers, cards received; assembling a vignette in their honor. Placing memorial pamphlets in my bible. and with each passing year, remembering...

Lastly, I am ever grateful for having known and loved these close family members;) In closing, I will leave with the words from a favorite spiritual director/supervisor:

" It's about us too, isn't it? We share their mortality. All we have is today. What shall we do with it?"

In Christ,


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