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G is for Grandmaman

Welcome readers and new followers! It's been awhile! Wow! My apologies as the time has slipped away! It is my heartfelt intention to stay on track and write monthly!

I just reread my last entry and I can honestly say I haven't kept up with them all! This weather has beckoned me indoors so there goes my photography and exercise. As the winter unthaws and the tiny crocuses and daffodils appear, there will be ample opportunities for photos and walks.

I have kept up with my ministries and IG posts! Spiritual direction, reading and knitting are stilI paramount in my walk with God. And I truly appreciate the support as I love posting scripture, quotes, art, handiwork and Celtic photographs and traditions.

I chose this title because a sweet little baby came to visit! Our grandson Finn; and our daughter Haley! They arrived safely from Germany, and it was a whirlwind of activity for nearly three weeks! Hence, my tardiness in not keeping on task!

It had been over thirty years since we've enjoyed a baby in the house! However, it sure didn't take long to get back in the groove! From carrying Finn on my hip, to joyously cooking him his favorites, to playing for hours on the floor, taking adventure walks, reading, rocking, helping with bathing, etc. It really never leaves you, and your grandchildren are a part of you!

I was very sad to see them go, although I knew Hamburg is their home and I will hopefully and prayerfully visit them this summer! For fun, and to touch base with my love of writing, I thought I would share this acrostic!

Here I will take each letter in grandmaman and choose words fitting to myself!

G: gentle, gregarious,

R: ready, reliable,

A: amicable, animated

N: nesting, nice

D: determined, dutiful

M: mindful, multi-tasker,

A: ageless, authentic

M: mother, merciful

A: abiding, agreeable

N: natural, neat

That was so fun! In closing, I am truly blessed to be a grandmaman, and it was a dream come true to have our daughter home again after one year and to meet Finn! Sending love and best wishes to all of you! Until next time,

In Christ,


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Haley Mittelbach
Haley Mittelbach
Feb 25, 2021

Awwww, my heart. I love you so much, Maman <3 Thank you for writing this wonderful tribute! It's beautiful to see you acknowledge your gifts and honor your loving nature. You're all of those things and so much more. I'm grateful for you every day and so blessed that you are and always will be a part of me and Finny. Sending all our love across the sea and cannot wait to be reunited again :-* xoxo

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