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Full Circle...

Welcome! Lenten Blessings and gratitude!

It's nearing ten years since I graduated with my Masters in Transforming Spirituality! I am

so grateful for all the support and grace I received during my studies and since! All the angels in the outback... You know who you are:)

I continue to facilitate three ministries! Spiritual Direction sessions, a Stepping Stones book gathering and a Prayer shawl/charity knitting circle.

You can find out more @ Please join me if there is an interest. I will respond in a timely manner.

I love reading! And discovering it can be a spiritual connection or conduit into the relationship of spiritual director/directee. I often suggest the following book and a gratitude journal to my directees, as an introduction to journey work and spiritual growth. In Fr. Richard Rohr's Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, we, as pilgrims, read about this message of " falling down." However it is, in fact, "moving upward." Read and be amazed!

Continuing, quotes and scripture are sustaining, and I love to share both often. One quote frequently: " Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

- Soren Kierkegaard

Thus, bringing to mind this blog and my latest writing journey; A spiritual memoir. Yes, it's begun and its slow and steady. Whether it will be published, is of course up to God. For now, it will be a gift to my children and grandchildren.

Years ago, in 2008, I signed up for a memoir writing class here at our local library. From there, my personal memoir begins. A full circle...

Please keep me in your prayers, as I write from memory, with excerpts from graduate papers, my spiritual journey; Seeds of Faith.

In Christ,


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