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First Look...

Welcome! It sure feels like Spring is taking its time! I guess we all have to remember; patience is a virtue...

In the past, I've shared the joys of our first grandchild, Finny! When he has graced our home and my solo trips to his hometown, Hamburg! A three year old now, with

days filled with Legos, Paw Patrol, strolls, new friends and always so much love from his mom, dad and kitties.

God has again graced Larry and myself with a second grandson! I just returned from near a weeks stay with our son and daughter in law, and of course, our newest grandson, Justice!

It was the first time I actually held a newborn grandchild! With Finny, there were videos and Facetime calls, however, due to Covid restrictions, this grandma couldn't travel. The first time we met Finny, he was 10 months old.

Even now three years since the inception of Covid-19, my heart goes out to those families here and across the sea who have lost family members. We continue to be aware of it's implications and utilize safeguards. Lord, hear our prayer...

With this being said, I was so excited to actually meet Justice at just 6 weeks old! Hence, the reason I have penned this blog; First Look! You can imagine my anticipation when I eyed him in his mother's arms, then held him:) His smell, shy smile and tiny grip! Even now that I'm home, these special moments sustain me. And I look forward to Justice's first visit here, where his grandpa, aunts, uncles and leo the lab, can share in my joy!

In Christ,

Kitt aka Baba/Grandma

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