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Bloom and Grow...

Welcome! Thank you for your commitment to this blog! It's another beautiful, almost summer day, warranting this scripture:)

"This is the Day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it..." - Psalm 118

Our flower baskets are up, and loving the morning and afternoon sun! Every year I treat myself to fresh baskets brimming with color! I trust Maria at Valley Nursery to choose just the right combos for each basket! Plus, she always tucks the flower tags in so if I choose to duplicate them the next year, I know which plants are best! It's a win, win!

When our kids were small, my extent of gardening was cutting the grass, setting up the sprinkler and planting bulbs! Always looking forward to spring! Now, I have more time and really appreciate our yard; it's nooks and crannies for relaxing and reading! After the general outdoor house maintenance, it feels good to be outside in God's creation!

Last weekend, I entrusted Lorena, our beautiful daughter- in- law to don a gardening apron and together we planted new guinea impatiens and sweet woodruff! There was still some variegated ivy which had wintered over just fine! Both planters are progressing beautifully as our weather is warming up!

We also added new soil and ended our plantings with Miracle Grow fertilizer! All this planting and fertilizing reminds me of our walk with God... In order to maintain God's

gaze and daily walk, we need to replenish our soil. We can "bloom and grow" and also keep our " spiritual pulse" in check by this routine!

You can learn more by following my IG Posts @ Touchstones_. Here I combine my three ministries, devotions, scripture, literature and Celtic art to foster spiritual habits and growth! Join me...

In Christ,


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