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Arty Party

Happy Fall to my subscribers and newcomers! In my last post, I had just returned from my dream trip! Feeling settled again, so enjoying photos, videos and FT with our daughter and family! So grateful for the month in Hamburg! God is good!

I hope you've had the chance to view my posts @touchstones_. This is my spirituality through photos, scripture, family and day to day life in Christ. Please follow me! I welcome your comments and ideas. Now on to my blog....

In acquiring my K-8 teaching certification years ago, I was so fortunate to be guided by Dr. Metcalf at SPU for the required art classes! I remember working diligently, not only turning in three full notebooks, but also creating 250 images on card stock. To my advantage, I was able to gather my childrens' art work for the projects.

Watercolor, crayon, found object art, collage, mosaics, to name a few! In my years as a K educator, I tapped into these skills and shared them with my classes! Fast forward to my three ministries, two of them warrant inspection.

As a spiritual director, I love to introduce my directees to the arts! We have shared space and images in creating spiritual collages reflecting life's decisions, discernment, and vision. I encourage walking around labyrinths and seeking other spiritual spaces to meditiate.

For myself, still to this day, I love to Create! My latest, a Covid Collage, a testimonial to a life of quiet and reflection! Over the years, I have assembled and given collages as gifts! My latest dream is to someday create a spiritual collage card/bookmark line! Wish me luck!

My second ministry is a prayer shawl/ charity knitting circle. In this gathering, all my knitters and myself create mantels of love and care. Using the gift of our hands to foster compassion and comfort. Choosing colors and scriptural prayers to convey hope and love.

So when I was invited to an Arty Party in my neighborhood, I took the challenge! A mosaic mirror to create and assemble! It really had been years since a mosaic crossed my path! It was more difficult then I thought; but fun! I wanted the theme to be colorful and spiritual! Hence, I chose mirrored pieces and primary colors. The result, four crosses using the mirrored pieces, with red, blue, orange and green stones arranged in between.

As a spiritual director, I think behind the event, as I know God works through every part of our life! Before posting this creation, I thought of scripture and how it related to this mosaic. In scrolling through my former posts, I found these words on a beautiful blue mosaic with waves @ treeowl. " Mosaics are made from broken pieces, but they're still a work of art. And so are you." Right away, I'd found my post, placing the former blue mosaic on one side, and my mosaic mirror on the other!

In relating to scripture, God appreciates our brokenness, and in his time, molds us into His Image. It's what makes life adventurous and exciting! It's the journey...

In closing, if I had rejected this opportunity for creativity, I would have missed connecting with my neighbor, meeting new friends, and owning a beloved mosaic to grace my home!

Until next time, keep Creating!

In Christ,


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