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Advent, Already?

Welcome to my followers and new subscribers! Wow! Where did Autumn and Halloween go? Thanksgiving as much to be thankful for...

And here I am so tardy again in keeping up this blog! Let's keep a New Year's Resolution to keep on track!

I love Advent. It's a "time of waiting". Today even more perfect, with our first dusting of snow! I've never minded the PNW rain, however, a light snowfall from inside a cozy nook suits me. God's paintbrush in Autumn, replaced by His creation in snowflakes. Stated in The Gospel Way's Snow: Bible Lessons from Snowflakes, "snow is evidence of God's creation. Like snowflakes, each person is unique and can be beautiful by God's power."

In our home, I love placing advent candles and votives on my kitchen sill and dining room table. The four candles/ votives in purple and pink represent the four weeks of advent. The three purple candles represent a time of sacrifice, prayer and penance. Purple is a liturgical color as well.

The Advent calendar is timeless in our home! Lovingly sewn by a special friend, it was a gift to our daughter Becky when she was just three! Now with a grandson and expecting a second in Spring, we will enjoy little hands once again pinning the assorted decorations on the felt tree! God is good;)

Whatever Advent represents on your faith journey, let us be reminded of the little things! Waiting can be difficult, however, let's savor the special, quiet days. Reflect, pick up a new scripture or book to meditate on. A favorite: Exploring Advent with Luke by Timothy Clayton was a gift from Pastor Lori, my late spiritual director and kindred spirit. Each year as I read, I

learn a new message.

In closing, I am very thankful for you! As the New Year approaches, I will continue my three ministries. There will be some changes, so please look for these on my website!

Advent Blessings!


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Nov 30, 2022

Happy Aevent sister ❤️

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