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A HEART for God..

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

Welcome to my blog! Newcomers and return followers alike! Since we are on the cusp of Valentine's Day, I thought it would be appropriate to write on matters of the heart.

I check my spiritual pulse daily! How is my walk going? Am I keeping a spirit of gratitude. Am I " letting go, and letting God.."

All of my ministries involve heart! In my spiritual direction sessions, I often ask my directees' questions such as:

" What is on your heart today? "

" Did a God nudge or wink move your heart toward compassion, grace, gratitude?"

Further, in my Stepping Stones book gathering, we are intentional in speaking from the heart. In our compassion for one another, respect and listening skills.

My Prayer Shawl/ Charity Knitting Circle is twofold in heart matters. In our gathering, our hearts are drawn to charitable works. As we knit, we are intentional about praying for the recipient or anonymous donor.

Lastly, in creating Spiritual Collages, I begin our creative session by asking the participant to choose an image that speaks to his/her heart.

If any of the preceding ministries speak to your heart, please check out this website! All of my ministries welcome you! Thank you for listening..

In Christ, with heartfelt gratitude for you,


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